Thursday, January 22, 2009

Batman got Bat-robbed...

Just a quick vent that the true best movie of the year, The Dark Knight, will not win the Oscar. The Academy lost all credibility in nominating, yet again, a pretentious, unpopular slate of art house clap trap. But don't worry, in reminding us that they are so much better than us, Hollywood will continue to stroke its own ego, assuring us that it knows best, while The Dark Knight, the highest grossing film of the year, cannot be the best movie, because it was filled with action, and was popular.

I'm sure that ratings mean nothing to those who will attend L.A.'s once a year self-congratulatory yet, ultimately empty and vapid proceedings, but let me ask these questions. What other director exacted such fine performances from EVERY member of their cast, from the biggest names to the smallest supporting roles? Bale, legitimately, could have been nominated for even his performance. What movie will people remember from 2008? Forrest Gump II, I mean Benjamin Button? No.

And don't tell me that comic books can't be considered a powerful medium. Pick up copies of either "The Dark Knight Returns", "Watchmen", or "The Crow" and come and talk to me. If you can't find artistic merit in these, then you have some serious issues.

Oscars mean little. With this snub, they mean even less.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Part Of A Solution

The other day I was sitting around a table with a group of fellow educators and friends. We were discussing the 6% pay cut proposed by Governor Gibbons. While we each decided that it was going to close to impossible to take that, we all seemed very, very amenable as part of the solution to the budget crisis to accept a pay freeze in salary steps. This is what it's all about, right? Negotiating and give and take. I would be very surprised if other educators didn'nt feel the same way.

I just hope that this is a small example that we, as educators, are not a bunch of snarling, drooling nogoodniks, unwilling to make any type of concessions. Both sides need to come together to make this work.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My second open letter to Jim Gibbons

This is my second open letter to Jim Gibbons. Select the wording that best fits your feelings, and send it in.

Hey there, it’s me again. The last time we talked, you were embroiled in (a messy divorce / your fifth mistress / the impending repeal of COLAs given to state employees and educators / all of the above). I have to say, in the months since your leadership has been ( marginal at best / treading water / sinking faster than Box Office Grosses for “The Spirit”).

I’m writing to talk to you about this idea of cutting pay for state employees and educators by 6%. I’m sure that in your ( average / small / infinitesimally minute ) intellect, this is a good idea. After all, the private sector is feeling the pain, why shouldn’t those ( lazy / stupid / lazy and stupid ) teachers and public servants take a haircut? By the way, before I forget, thanks for the 120 million that is already projected to be cut from the district budget. We’ll get back to that later.

Well, here’s the thing Jimbo. Maybe you didn’t get the memo, but education doesn’t work exactly like the private sector. I’m no economist, but I’ll attempt to ( explain / use small, easily understood words / draw simplistic pictures ) for you, to help you contemplate exactly why your idea is (not good / terrible). As I understand it, because of the slowing economy, there is less work, and therefore, layoffs and pay cuts. I have friends who have experienced both, and let me tell you, I consider myself no better than them. In education, however, there is no slowing. In fact, with NCLB, more students than ever before, and increasing pressure to perform (all of this, in an environment with 120 million dollars less to work with, thank you very much) next year is going to be really hopping with work. More work for less pay? That doesn’t make sense.

Here’s my alternate proposal. Let’s make education work like business! We’ll take the pay cut, but let’s turn away 6% of the students next year! I mean, the economy is bad, let’s just tell those parents “Sorry, it’s tough for everyone right now.” We can even get some of those kids, quite a few of which will be at-risk, no doubt, some weapons training, and we can speed them along on a life of knocking over 7-11’s. If we do that, we won’t even have to decrease pay for police. Heck in a hand basket, they will be plenty busy, believe you me. By the way, if anyone needs to renew their registration, we can just turn 6% of people away from the DMV. Or respond to 6% fewer calls for police. Sorry, I don’t know everyone who is on the state payroll, but you get the idea.

In closing Jimmy, you are (a jackass / a huge jackass / the hugest jackass). Let’s stop looking to put the brunt of the State’s problems (due in no small part to shortsighted leadership) on one segment of the population, and discuss some real solutions.

Say hi to (the misses / the mistresses), and we’ll talk to you as soon as your leadership brings us to our inevitable next crisis.

(Your name here)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Jim Gibbons is ready for another letter...

We're all feeling the crunch of the economic downturn. So, I guess I wasn't at all surprised when I read this article in the online edition of the Las Vegas Sun:

"Carson City — Gov. Jim Gibbons will propose state workers, schoolteachers and university employees take a 6 percent pay cut in the budget he will unveil next week, according to sources with knowledge of the plan.

The move is part of a spending plan that Gibbons’ staff has admitted will be painful to enact, but one that keeps the governor’s pledge not to raise taxes."

Now, being an educator, you'd probably think that this would be the point that I start spewing vitriol about how underpaid teachers are, how devastating this would be, etc. etc. However, I can definitely see both sides of the argument. Check out the comments from that article and thread, there are good and bad ideas from both sides. I will say this. Personally, I believe education can take some ques from business, but inherently, the enterprise is different. While business is slowing, necessitating layoffs/pay cuts, there is no commensurate slowing of what we do in education. In fact, with the 120 million that will be slashed in CCSD's budget next year, that is almost assuredly more work for teachers for less pay. However, having already seen several of my friends take paycuts, I do know I'm no better than them.

On a personal note, I do believe that we do not need to quibble about whether Gibbons is governing the state of Nevada from the left or the right. I have no doubt his executive decisions come straight from the center, with his head firmly rooted up his...well, you know. I feel another letter coming on...

Friday, January 9, 2009

Well, you can't spell BCS without BS!

Ah, the voters have voted, and once again, the American public has been cheated out of a true national champion in college football. Regardless of what you think about the Mountain West conference, those so-called "power" conferences scheduled just as many cream puffs, were populated with just as many bad teams (Big East and Big Ten, I'm looking DIRECTLY at you) and the MWC doesn't have the luxury of huge viewership and the incredible hype of network deals. In fact, if you don't think those big network types aren't hyping those conferences they have contracts with, you are sadly mistaken. By the way, take away the hype, and Utah is the TRUE #1. And this is coming from a devoted BYU fan.

Some thoughts I have gleaned from the internet over this. One of the funniest posts I found comes from another blogspot blog:

"I think the system works fine.


Figure Skating"

I think the best argument for Utah as #1 comes from one of my favorite sports writers Rick Reilly, formerly of Sports Illustrated, now with ESPN.

"Argue with this, please. I beg you. Find me anybody else that went undefeated. Thirteen-and-zero. Beat four ranked teams. Went to the Deep South and seal-clubbed Alabama in the Sugar Bowl. The same Alabama that was ranked No. 1 for five weeks. The same Alabama that went undefeated in the regular season. The same Alabama that Florida beat in order to get INTO the BCS Championship game in the first place."

And what do I think? The BCS is entirely responsible for our economic downturn. Replace it. Now.